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Om Grubhub

Med Grubhub presentkort kan vänner och familj när som helst beställa matleveranser från sina favoritrestauranger.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Hur löser jag in min Grubhub -kod?

    Klicka på "Lägg till presentkort" på skärmen Granska beställning. Ange presentkortsnumret ovan och klicka på "Apply" (tillämpa) eller "Add to my account" (lägga till på mitt konto).
  • Var kan jag använda min Grubhub -kod?

    Grubhub-koden kan endast användas i det land som den är utfärdad för.
  • Hur kan jag kontakta kundtjänsten på Grubhub?

    Du kan kontakta kundtjänsten på Grubhub här https://www.grubhub.com/help/contact-us

Regler & Villkor

By using this gift card, you accept the following terms and conditions. This card is redeemable via grubhub.com or the Grubhub app in markets where Grubhub is available within the U.S. only. Must have a Grubhub account, and must provide a secondary method of payment accepted by Grubhub to complete a purchase. Gift cards may not be redeemable on certain corporate accounts. Gift cards cannot be reloaded, resold, combined with cash, used to purchase other gift cards, transferred for value, or redeemed for cash, except to the extent required by law. Protect this card like cash. Issuer is not responsible for lost or stolen cards, or unauthorized use. This card is issued by Grubhub Holdings Inc. For customer service, balance inquiries, and full terms visit grubhub.com/giftcards or call 1-877-585-1085. © Grubhub Holdings Inc. All rights reserved.

Recharge fast, safe & simple

Instant digital delivery
You’ll be able to use your digital credit within seconds.
Trusted by millions
We’re proud to have over 5 million customers worldwide and consistent Excellent ratings on TrustPilot.
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